The Throne
Scripture: Revelation 4:1-11
1. “After these things…” – Rev. 4:1
2. The Throne – vs. 2
3. On the Throne – vs. 3
4. Around the Throne – vs. 4
5. From the Throne – vs. 5
6. Before the Throne – vs. 6
7. In and around the Throne – vs. 6-8
8. Toward the Throne – vs. 8-11
Worship (Worship is simply being with Jesus.)
Scripture: John 4:6-14
What Are you Seeking?
Scripture: John 1:38
God the Rest-Giver
Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:8-21 & Matthew 11:28-30
Our Mission
Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8 & Philippians 4:1-3
The Prayer of Jabez
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
Ministry Summer Celebration
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:9
What is Stopping You?
Scripture: Acts 8:36
VBS Sunday - Breaker Rock Beach
Scripture: Romans 12:2
Special Guest: "One Purpose"
Pray for Your Nation
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-8
Truth Gives Us Freedom
Scripture: John 8:31-36
God's Plan
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11-14
The Holy Spirit - What Not to Do
A Father's Faith
Happy Father's Day
Scripture: Hebrews 11:7
God's Plan for Graduates
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11
Attributes of the Holy Spirit
Scripture: 1 Cor. 3:16-17 & 1 Cor. 6:19-20
The Holy Spirit Brings Freedom
Scripture: John 8:31-36
The Promise
Scripture: Acts 2:1-13
4427 North Main Street, Columbia SC 29203 | (803) 786-7769 |
Copyright © 2018 Eau Claire Baptist Church